Stroud Goddess Temple Newsletter May 2023
Beltane Blessings everyone!

What beautiful blossom adorns the Cotswolds now as the days get longer and sun feels warmer.
Back in March we had a wonderful ceremony celebrating the end of Spiral 1 of the Cotswolds Priestex Training: the Wheel of Cuda. All the faculty and trainees witnessed each other make vows of service to Goddess. The warmth and generosity of the priestesses facilitating the ceremony was truly heart-opening and awe-inspiring. They brought their wisdom from their various paths from Avalon, from East Anglia, from Druidry, from the veiled hinterland, Wales, from Sussex and connected with our emerging path here in the Cotswolds.

Back in March there was also a ceremony as a part of the Stroud Sisterhood weekend where the Goddess Temple priestesses came together with other local celebrants to create community ceremony celebrating the voices of women at different stages of life and bearing witness to the women across the world who live in conditions which do not permit them to have a voice.
The next in-person Spiral 1 will be in Spring 2024 HOWEVER if you can’t wait for this there is the evergreen online Spiral 1 which you can sign up to, stuffed full of resources and lectures, guided meditations, craft suggestions, and fascinating information on the various Goddesses of the Cotswolds Wheel of Cuda. For more info click here
The Wheel of Cuda Priestex training online and in-person is a very important source of funds to keep the Temple open during drop-ins and it is taught entirely on a voluntary basis by a collective of Priestess teachers.
A Summer Solstice Celebration with the Temple Priestesses on Sunday 18th June: a gathering open to all men, women, children to celebrate Summer Solstice is being planned, keep an eye on our Facebook page for details. Extended opening hours at the Goddess Temple are planned for Saturday17th June Summer Solstice Open Day;
Goddess Camp : 17th - 20th August 2023 on the Cotswolds Edge AONB – a radical inclusive participatory camp where we all co-create and fund the event together as Goddess loving community. All genders, ages, and beliefs welcome more info here

Artists and makers are welcome to sell their work through the shop at Stroud Goddess Temple;
Therapists and workshop leaders are welcome to book the space – there are two rooms (the main temple area as well as a smaller break-out room) as well as a toilet and small kitchen with tea-making facilities. The temple is warm, quiet, inclusive:
Donations are always welcome and very important to the upkeep of this temple space which is run by volunteers – donations can be made at drop-in sessions when the Temple is open to visitors: Whenever possible, through the availability of volunteers, the temple opening times are 10 – 1 Monday to Saturday and 11 – 2 on Wednesdays.
If you would like to support the ongoing work of Stroud Goddess Temple via bank transfer you can make donations here: click
If you would like to train to be a TEMPLE MELISSA VOLUNTEER and help hold the space for visitors as well as looking after the smooth-running of the Temple and shop, and adding to your skill-base, we welcome all Goddess-loving people and you can apply here
Stroud Goddess Temple is a community space open to all who are interested in all aspects of Goddess. It is open to all genders, all races, people of all faiths and none. It is a welcoming restful place with a wonderful community library with a great range of books. The altar is changed each season and the atmosphere is uplifting. There is a shop stocked with a range of products made by local artists, craftspeople and herbalists.
Newsletter written by Kate Dineen, co-founder, Stroud Goddess Temple